The Boulder Beet is going on a road trip this coming week, to the Permaculture Voices conference in Temecula, CA. Check back for updates from the road and the talks at the conference. It’s looking to be a great week!
From Permaculture Voices:
“We want big change. We wanted to make an impact. So we have put together over 60 sessions featuring over 40 world reknown speakers including Geoff Lawton, Michael Pollan, Dr. Elaine Ingham, Allan Savory, Joel Salatin, Mark Shepard, Toby Hemenway, Paul Wheaton, and Jack Spirko. Just like you, all are committed and motivated to inspiring and enacting positive change in the world.
The Permaculture Voices conference will host hundreds of like-minded individuals in Temecula, CA (between San Diego and LA) in a forum designed to motivate and inspire you, so you can go be the change in the world through permaculture.
As an attendee you will get to participate in over 34 hours of talks, discussions, and presentations. At Permaculture Voices you’ll rub shoulders with the biggest names in permaculture, learn, countless new strategies and permaculture tips, and enjoy extensive networking opportunities in sunny Southern California.
Most importantly you will be motivated to go home and challenge the impossible, push the limits, and be the change you want to see in the world.
My goal? To create an experience that ignites your fire to be an initiator of change. Because we need your help and your journey matters. Together we can do this. We can change the world.
Where will you be on March 13-16, 2014?
And more importantly, what will you be accomplishing after March 16, 2014?
Whether you’re with us in March or not. I challenge you to go do epic sh*t and live the life that you want to live. Because it is worth it.
If you want join us in March, there are still some tickets available.”