Regenerative Lifestyles and Alchemical Experiments present: Permaculture Shorts on Solutions: a few short films on solutions, with group discussion. Friday, August 23, 2013, 7-10pm, at Trident Booksellers, 940 Pearl St., Boulder, CO (on the back patio). Music by Mike Wird. Donation $5.
Thanks to Regenerative Lifestyles and Alchemical Experiments for a wonderful evening of group discussion and short films. We participated in discussion with problem statements followed by our solutions and steps we are taking on a daily basis to encourage resiliency and perennial culture. Use Small and Slow Solutions! Discussion was followed by films on projects and ideas, including training veterans as urban farmers, Earthship builds in Malawi, home-scale aquaponics, and use of hemp-crete in place of concrete as a building material. Finally, we closed with what we were taking home from the event. Thanks to Roman for facilitating, Robin for reserving the space and finding films, and Mike for providing music and production. Fun and inspiring! We all left feeling energized.