Author Archives: Kristin

Stream Restoration & Debris Removal Grant Applications Due 7/1/2014

From Colorado Department of Natural Resources:

Stream Restoration & Debris Removal Grant Program Guidance Now Available

Funding has been made available through Senate Bill 14-179 to the Stream Restoration Grant Account within the Flood and Drought Response Fund for watershed cleanup and stream restoration in areas affected by the September 2013 flood.  Both private and individual entities are permitted to apply.  Awards will be based on planning and project efforts, which integrate multi-objectives in restoration and flood mitigation.  Projects may include designs to reconfigure channels, remove debris from the stream channel and/or floodplain, provide habitat for aquatic and terrestrial species, re-vegetate riparian areas, mitigate flood hazards, improve recreational opportunities, provide fish passage, and increase the capacity to utilize water.

Completed applications are due by 5:00 pm on July 1, 2014.


All applications must be submitted electronically via email to kevin.houck[at]state[dot]co[dot]us

Electronic applications on CD or DVD may also be mailed to: Colorado Water Conservation Board, ATTN: Kevin Houck 1313 Sherman St., Room 721 Denver, CO 80203

Logistical questions about submitting applications should be directed to Chris Sturm, chris.sturm[at]state[dot]co[dot]us


For additional information, visit:

North American Permaculture Convergence, 8/29-8/31/2014, Clark’s Grove, MN

From Sandy Cruz of High Altitude Permaculture:

Calling All Permies —

Here is an historic opportunity to participate in a continental Permaculture Convergence!  Details and website link below.
Rather than holding a Colorado convergence this year, the Colorado Permaculture Guild is deferring to the North American event, and is currently organizing Colorado carpools:
Hope to see you there!


From Michael Pilarski, one of the North American Permaculture Convergence organizers:

North American Permaculture Convergence:
An epic opportunity!
August 29, 30, 31, 2014
Harmony Park, Clark’s Grove, Minnesota
Old and young, Experienced and newcomer!!

Transforming the landscape, culture and economy.,,,,,,
Homes, Neighborhoods, Communities
Go to our website for information on
sponsorships, presenting, roundtables, worktrade,
action teams and the Permaculture Exposition.
This very first North American Permaculture Convergence offers a special opportunity to meet up to 1,000 permaculture movers and shakers from across North America to share our successes and strategize how to create a permaculture future.
People will have different reasons for attending NAPC. For me, I view NAPC as a tremendous networking opportunity to meet permaculture movers and shakers from across the continent. As one of the permaculture movement’s historians I am also excited to use NAPC as an opportunity to collect more permaculture history.
The permaculture movement in North America is huge
and growing fast!
Support the movement!

Greywater Workshop on Residential Water Reuse, Sun., 7/13, Denver

From Colorado Greywater and Natural City Builders:

LEARN how to reuse water from your bathroom sinks, showers, tubs, and washing machines in this fun, hands-on workshop.

LEARN about common and popular greywater systems, soap and product considerations, building codes, design criteria, and how to build a laundry to landscape system.

INSTALL a demo greywater system from a washing machine for landscape irrigation, so that you can build one at home!

Date: July 13, 2014

Time: 10am-4pm

Location: Denver, Park Hill

Cost: $60, Lunch will be included

To register for this course, please go to:

or email ColoradoGreywater[at]gmail[dot]com

Greywater Workshop July 2014


Boulder & Denver Village Building Design Courses in August, 2014

From Regenerative Lifestyles:
In August, Natural City Builders, Regenerative Lifestyles and Radish Collective will be hosting the Village Design Course, a 4 day intensive for community building and making public spaces useful, all the way from Portland, Oregon! This unique opportunity will be taking place this August in both Denver and Boulder!
Boulder Class Details, August 14-17, 2014:
Denver Class Details, August 21-24, 2014:
To learn more about city repair, check out:

More info to come, please see website to register and contact us with any questions! Hope to build with you all very soon!

Water Forum, Sat., 6/7, 9am-5pm, Boulder

Water: Rights & Nature, Exploring Water Use and Ecosystem Conservation
Unity Church, Folsom and Valmont Rd., Boulder
Saturday, June 7, 9am - 5pm 
Event Speakers:
Jo Evans on Colorado Water Law
Allison Holloran on Threats and Conservation of Ecosystems
Gross Reservoir Dam panel: Water implications and FINAL day for Public Comments
Steve Grace book signing for “Dam Nation”
Phil Doe and Wes Wilson on Fracking Hazards on Water and Ecological Destruction
Amy Burke on the new Colorado Water Plan and Important Citizen Input
Libby Comeaux on Earth Jurisprudence, Community Rights and Water Discernment
Dale Ball on Food and Dietary choices affecting your Water Footprint

This Water Forum addresses current regional water issues that threaten or negatively impact the health and presence of local water resources, and especially the ecosystems that provide that water. Possible solutions and choices are presented as we reflect on what we can do as a community to assure the purity of the regional water supply, by respecting and protecting the viability of the natural ecosystems that provide the water upon which all life depends. The Rights of Nature approach is one effective way to prevent degradation, abuse and misuse of water. For more information:

Regional Seed School with Gary Nabhan, 6/1-6/6/2014


Seed School is a groundbreaking, six-day educational course in Prescott, AZ, that trains people from all walks of life to build local seed systems rooted in the ancient tradition of seed saving.  Practiced by farmers and gardeners for thousands of years, seed saving strengthens food security at the community level, empowering people to reclaim control over their food supply.  Students walk away from this innovative learning experience with the knowledge and inspiration to start their own independent seed initiatives, such as community seed libraries and exchanges, seed growers cooperatives, heirloom seed businesses, and participatory plant breeding projects.  Details here.

Seed School is designed to offer a comprehensive yet accessible overview of the science, business, and craft of seeds.  Appropriate for teens and adults at all skill levels, this course is for gardeners, farmers, chefs, entrepreneurs, NGOs, activists, policymakers and anyone interested in turning the tide on the industrialization of our food system.

Gary Paul Nabhan is an internationally celebrated nature writer, seed saver, conservation biologist and sustainable agriculture activist who has been called “the father of the local food movement.”  He is the author or editor of more than two dozen books, including Enduring Seeds and Renewing America’s Food Traditions.  Gary is co-founder of Native Seeds/SEARCH.

Sunday, June 1st – Friday, June 6

Prescott College Campus

Campus housing available at $22 a night.

Early bird deadline: May 9th $600

Regular tuition after May 9th $700

Some scholarships are available.

$200 deposit reserves your space.

nss flyer

Denver Permaculture Design Course Registration Now Open


From Denver PDC:

The 2014 course will take place on the first weekend of every month beginning October 4th & 5th and concluding April 4th & 5th, 2015. The first weekend will be an overnight retreat at Woodbine Ecology Center in Sedalia. Most other weekends will be held at The GrowHaus here in Denver. For a complete course calendar please refer to our syllabus.
The Denver PDC is recommended for design professionals, urban farmers, community organizers, foodies, city planners, green entrepreneurs, homeowners, and anybody seeking a comprehensive framework for sustainable change. Course tuition is $1050 with a $250 deposit before July 15th, or $1250 after July 15th. Please click here to register today! Questions? Please see our FAQ page on our website or feel free to email us.
In gratitude and abundance,
Dakota Stranik
Denver PDC Coordinator

Boulder County Water Tour, 6/7, Registration Now Open

Boulder County Water Tour 2014

DateSaturday, June 7, 2014

Time8:45 pm to 3 pm

Cost:  $20 (lunch included)

Registration Required (tour has sold out every year so please make reservations asap)

Location:  Buses will pick up at Boulder County Fairgrounds (SOUTH lot off of Nelson Rd, near Longmont Humane Society)

Water is a critical component of agriculture in Boulder County. The Water Tour 2014 is a collaborative effort between Boulder County Parks and Open Space and Farmers Alliance for Integrated Resources (FAIR) with the support of local conservation districts, ditch companies and businesses.


  • September 2013 Floods
  • Pre & Post Flood Comparisons
  • History of Water in Boulder County
  • Current Uses
  • Challenges
  • Opportunities
  • Ditch Systems
  • Lunch at Panama Reservoir

New stops for 2014 include the Highland Ditch Diversion and the Left Hand Water District Spurgeon Plant.  We will also revisit a couple stops from previous years but have no worries if you’ve attended in the past, after the September 2013 Flood, the landscape no longer looks the same.  There will be speakers on the bus as well as at each stop with time for questions and discussion.

Lunch is included in the $20 registration fee.  Pulled Pork sandwiches + sides will be served, with a vegetarian option available.

For more information please visit the registration site or or contact Meaghan Huffman, mhuffman (at) or 303-678-6181.

Earthship Gathering & Film Screening at Trident in Boulder, 6/6, 7pm

From Denver Earthship and Regenerative Lifestyles:


There has been so much coming alive and we are so excited to share at our annual screening series, the film NEW SOLUTIONS with you all on the beautiful back patio of TRIDENT BOOKSELLERS and CAFE!  We will share Earthship enthusiasm and support Boulder’s best coffee shop.  This gathering is to open or continue the conversation with interesting people, like minded folks, update you on our movements, and watch a super inspiring film that’s just released!
JUNE 6, 2014
940 Pearl Street, Boulder
Back Patio

Cost: $5

New Solutions Official Trailer:

Permaculture Teacher Training with Sandy Cruz and Peter Bane, November 2014

Sandy Cruz will be traveling out of her home state of Colorado to co-teach a Permaculture Teacher Training Course with Peter Bane in Ann Arbor, MI.  The course is taking place November 9-13, 2014.  These master teachers have trained more than 2,000 permaculture students across the Americas.  As Peter says, “Lift Your Game”.  PDC is a prerequisite, and an application is required.  Course fee $800 by 9/1/2014.  See flyer below for course details and registration information.

Permaculture Teacher Training Flyer

You can read a review of Peter, Sandy and Becky Elder’s Permaculture Teacher Training course that took place last August in Colorado here.