North American Permaculture Convergence, 8/29-8/31/2014, Clark’s Grove, MN

By | June 25, 2014

From Sandy Cruz of High Altitude Permaculture:

Calling All Permies —

Here is an historic opportunity to participate in a continental Permaculture Convergence!  Details and website link below.
Rather than holding a Colorado convergence this year, the Colorado Permaculture Guild is deferring to the North American event, and is currently organizing Colorado carpools:
Hope to see you there!


From Michael Pilarski, one of the North American Permaculture Convergence organizers:

North American Permaculture Convergence:
An epic opportunity!
August 29, 30, 31, 2014
Harmony Park, Clark’s Grove, Minnesota
Old and young, Experienced and newcomer!!

Transforming the landscape, culture and economy.,,,,,,
Homes, Neighborhoods, Communities
Go to our website for information on
sponsorships, presenting, roundtables, worktrade,
action teams and the Permaculture Exposition.
This very first North American Permaculture Convergence offers a special opportunity to meet up to 1,000 permaculture movers and shakers from across North America to share our successes and strategize how to create a permaculture future.
People will have different reasons for attending NAPC. For me, I view NAPC as a tremendous networking opportunity to meet permaculture movers and shakers from across the continent. As one of the permaculture movement’s historians I am also excited to use NAPC as an opportunity to collect more permaculture history.
The permaculture movement in North America is huge
and growing fast!
Support the movement!

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